The Concepts of Nihilism

Nihilist philosophy, a school of thought that explores the void of meaning, importance, and meaning in life, critiques the very bases of life. Deriving from the Latin word "nihil," meaning "none," nihilism claims that life is devoid of intrinsic significance, and conventional moral and religious values are baseless. This viewpoint gained prominence

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Understanding Utilitarianism

The philosophy of utilitarianism, a outcome-based theory of ethics formulated by ethicists Bentham and John Stuart Mill, posits that the optimal course of action is the one that enhances overall well-being or satisfaction. Fundamental to this philosophy is the "Maximization of Happiness Principle," which maintains that actions are ethically correct

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The Essence of Stoicism

Stoic philosophy, an ancient Greek philosophy founded in the early 3rd century BC by Zeno of Citium, promotes the practice of self-mastery and resilience as a way to conquer negative emotions. The philosophy asserts that goodness, the supreme good, is based on wisdom and that the sages live in harmony with the divine Reason that controls the univer

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Understanding Existentialism

Existentialism, a ideology that arose in the 19th and 20th centuries, highlights individual autonomy, decision-making, and personal experience. Fundamental to this ideology is the notion that existence comes before essence, meaning that individuals define their own purpose and goals through their actions. Philosophers of existentialism like Jean-Pa

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Essentials of Existentialist Philosophy

Existentialist philosophy, a philosophy that developed in the 19th-20th century period, emphasizes personal liberty, choice, and individual experience. At the heart of this school of thought is the belief that being precedes essence, implying that people define their own significance and purpose through their deeds. Existentialist thinkers like Sar

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